Slovenska filantropija is rated 3 out of 5 in the category philanthropy. Read and write reviews about Slovenska filantropija. Slovene Philanthropy is a humanitarian organisation that has been actively responding to social problems for 25 years now. We encourage and develop volunteer work, act in the area of migration, help the vulnerable and advocate for human rights. What do we stand for? Our vision is an open, just and solidary society that, through the partnership and cooperation of public institutions, the business sector and voluntary activities of citizens, offers a stimulating environment to all - even those who are, due to various circumstances, unable to provide quality of life for themselves and their families. Our values are solidarity, respect for people and nature, tolerance, equality and equal opportunities for all. What do we do? We combine different activities, mainly trainings, advocacy and direct aid, in five programme units: Volunteering; Migration; Intergenerational cooperation; Developmental collaboration; Health promotion. We try to enter areas not yet covered by national institutions, or covered only to a certain degree. At the core of what we do is the promotion of voluntary work, which we do through trainings and opportunities for volunteering, accessible to different parts of society - from youth to teachers, schools, organisations and companies. We also provide assistance to refugees, children and young migrants, promote intergenerational cooperation in our units all across Slovenia, offer the homeless and other people without health insurance access to health services through a pro-bono clinic, etc. ---------------------------------------------- Slovenska filantropija se že 25 let aktivno odziva na družbene probleme, spodbuja in razvija prostovoljstvo, deluje na področju migracij, pomaga ogroženim in je glasna zagovornica človekovih pravic. Več o nas si preberite na tej povezavi:
Cesta Dolomitskega odreda 11
Company size
11-50 employees
Ljubljana, Central Slovenia